JUSC is always in need of qualified referees to officiate games during the season. Are you interested in becoming a referee? Refereeing is a great way to be a part of the game, get some exercise, and earn some money.
Referee Pay
The following are the rates per game for recreational and academy games hosted by JUSC by age level.
7U-8U Games
$20 to center
9U-10U Games
$25 to center
$15 to AR
11U-12U Games
$30 to center
$20 to AR
13U-14U Games
$35 to center
$25 to AR
15U-16U Games
$40 to center
$30 to AR
17U-19U Games
$50 to center
$35 to AR
Referee Bonus
Referees are eligible for a $20 bonus for every five recreational or academy league games they have refereed for JUSC during a single season.
Become a Referee
Are you age 13 or older, want to become a United States Soccer Federation (USSF) referee and start working youth games?
Online Grassroots Referee Course
You can get started by taking the grassroots referee course on the U.S. Soccer Learning Center. Open the course link (English or Spanish), click on LOG IN and then SIGN UP NOW to register for the course.
Iowa Online Grassroots Referee Course
Iowa Curso Virtual De Árbitro De Base
Upon completion of the Online Grassroots Referee Course assignment, you will be issued a completion certificate downloadable from your Learning Center Profile.
Follow-up Training
Following the successful completion of the Online Grassroots Referee Course and the assignments, there will be a follow-up course with an instructor (either virtually or in-person) to be completed. An instructor will be in touch with more details. It may be a while after the online course is completed as the instructor will wait to have several people who have completed the Grassroots course. This follow-up will cover other relevant information you needed to begin officiating.
Quick Tips
In the U.S. Soccer Learning Center, carefully input your name, mailing address and email address as this becomes a record for the entire time you are a referee.
If there is more than one family member registering, each must use a different email address.
Should you have a change of address or choose to change an email address, do remember to go into your profile in the Learning Center to change those items.
With the online course, as you complete each assignment, be sure to click on ‘Save and Confirm’. For the longer assignments, periodically save your progress every 15-20 minutes.
Send email to Iowa Referee Help Desk at IARefereeHelpDesk@gmail.com
Advice to New Referees
The following is advice to new referees from U.S. Soccer.